Xfinity Outage
If you know the Xfinity (formly Comcast) had service outage, you can claim a refund easily online.
First, note the start and end date of the service outage. Just need to know the dates and not the hours which they occur. Typically, outages start and end on the same day. If the outage is currently active then you can’t claim the outage until it ends.
You may need to use your phone web browser to check if there is an active outage. If you are unsure if there is an outage, check the following:
Next, once the outage completes, sign into account and submit a outage claim request using:
The page will look something like this:
Fill out the dates and press continue. That’s it! No need to call or visit a store. Typically, you get $5 credit on next months bill at a minimum. There might be a chance to get more if you call in or visit a store but this is fast and easy. Works on planned down time too.
The credit will appear in Transaction History or under “Credits” in the bill. Happy Web Surfing 🏄
AT&T Outage
Another major internet service provider in Sacramento is AT&T.
AT&T does not seem to have a refund for service outages, so that means likely you’ll have to call in or go to an AT&T store for a refund.
Detecting a service outage is fairly easy by using their website: AT&T Service Outage Information AT&T.